Who is Krishna?
An obvious question is: “Who is Krishna?” The answer is, that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The name “Krishna” means “the all attractive person,” and refers to the original Supreme Person, who is the source of all that exists.

Krishna in His original form is a flute playing youth, whose beauty attracts everybody and anybody. The name itself “Krishna” means “He who is all attractive.”
The name “Krishna” indicates the original cause of all causes. Everything comes from Krishna, but He Himself is causeless and eternal. The name “Krishna” thus refers to the same God that, by other religions, is designated by various other names. Any of these names describe a certain side of God’s personality. All religions thus accept God as the Creator and Supreme Lord with names like Allah, Visnu, Jehova, and so on.
The name “Krishna,” however, indicates more than that, namely the most enchanting and loving Highest Person, the most confidential friend of everyone, who invites us to join Him and enjoy deep and beautiful loving relationships with Him together with an unlimited number of other liberated souls in the spiritual world.

5000 years ago, on the battlefield of Kuruksetra, Krishna spoke the famous “Bhagavad-gita,” the most widely read and well known of the Indian books of wisdom, to His friend Arjuna.
This Highest Person, Krishna, is described in the Vedas – the holy Sankrit texts of ancient India. The Vedas explain, that some times Krishna descends to this universe, as He did appeared on the earth over 5000 years ago. His activities and instructions from that time is described in the Vedic literatures such as Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. Here is is written, that Krishna, the original cause of all causes, in His original form, is an eternally young person with form and figure just like other persons. There is nothing else above the personality and form of Krishna. Time and space comes from him, and even the all pervading spiritual energy, that permeates everything (“the impersonal Brahman”), is merely the effulgence from Krishna’s spiritual form.

As Krishna directed the chariot of Arjuna during the battle at Kuruksetra, devotees of Krishna similarly desire for Him to direct them in their lives, back to Him in the spiritual world.
The greatest Vedic personalities in the past, like Narada, Asita, Devala, Vyasadeva, who wrote down the Vedas, and Arjuna, to whom Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-gita, all accepted Krishna as the Supreme Perosn, the Absolute Truth, the ultimate source of all energies, and He who, in the end, is responsible for the creation, maintenance, and destruction of everything in the material world.
The modern Hare Krishna movement represents the progression of this ancient and timeless worship of God in His form of Sri Krishna.

Life with Krishna in the spiritual world is eternally playful. Even though Krishna is the oldest and most serious person in the entire existence, His innermost nature is that of a playful boy, playing with His eternal friends. Even though these friends have forms like little boys, they are also eternally liberated, great selfrealized souls.
Who is Krishna?
An obvious question is: “Who is Krishna?” The answer is, that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The name “Krishna” means “the all attractive person,” and refers to the original Supreme Person, who is the source of all that exists.
The name “Krishna” indicates the original cause of all causes. Everything comes from Krishna, but He Himself is causeless and eternal. The name “Krishna” thus refers to the same God that, by other religions, is designated by various other names. Any of these names describe a certain side of God’s personality. All religions thus accept God as the Creator and Supreme Lord with names like Allah, Visnu, Jehova, and so on.
The name “Krishna,” however, indicates more than that, namely the most enchanting and loving Highest Person, the most confidential friend of everyone, who invites us to join Him and enjoy deep and beautiful loving relationships with Him together with an unlimited number of other liberated souls in the spiritual world.
This Highest Person, Krishna, is described in the Vedas – the holy Sankrit texts of ancient India. The Vedas explain, that some times Krishna descends to this universe, as He did appeared on the earth over 5000 years ago. His activities and instructions from that time is described in the Vedic literatures such as Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. Here is is written, that Krishna, the original cause of all causes, in His original form, is an eternally young person with form and figure just like other persons. There is nothing else above the personality and form of Krishna. Time and space comes from him, and even the all pervading spiritual energy, that permeates everything (“the impersonal Brahman”), is merely the effulgence from Krishna’s spiritual form.
The greatest Vedic personalities in the past, like Narada, Asita, Devala, Vyasadeva, who wrote down the Vedas, and Arjuna, to whom Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-gita, all accepted Krishna as the Supreme Perosn, the Absolute Truth, the ultimate source of all energies, and He who, in the end, is responsible for the creation, maintenance, and destruction of everything in the material world.
The modern Hare Krishna movement represents the progression of this ancient and timeless worship of God in His form of Sri Krishna.

Krishna in His original form is a flute playing youth, whose beauty attracts everybody and anybody. The name itself “Krishna” means “He who is all attractive.”

5000 years ago, on the battlefield of Kuruksetra, Krishna spoke the famous “Bhagavad-gita,” the most widely read and well known of the Indian books of wisdom, to His friend Arjuna.

As Krishna directed the chariot of Arjuna during the battle at Kuruksetra, devotees of Krishna similarly desire for Him to direct them in their lives, back to Him in the spiritual world.

Life with Krishna in the spiritual world is eternally playful. Even though Krishna is the oldest and most serious person in the entire existence, His innermost nature is that of a playful boy, playing with His eternal friends. Even though these friends have forms like little boys, they are also eternally liberated, great self realized souls.