Food for the soul
Food for the Soul, including Vegetarian Saturday, are events by friends and devotees of ISKCON Denmark (the International Society for Krishna Consciousness), inviting the entire city to take part in a heavenly vegetarian feast.
How do you provide free food every Saturday?
The underlying principle in Food for the Soul is to provide an experience of Krishna consciousness to others without expecting anything in return.
If some people appreciate the gift, they choose, out of the goodness of their hearts, to return the gift in the shape of a monetary donation or some vegetables for the next event.
Based on this donation paradigm which, in reality, is an exchange of love between people and Krishna, we have been able to have Vegetarian Saturdays for seven years, with more than 58.000 plates of free vegetarian food.

Tejasvi Krishna Dasa
Mobile: 42660108
We are happy to receive donations.
It can be done to MOBILEPAY 42660108 – or to PAYPAL to tkd@pamho.net
Food for the soul
Food for the Soul, including Vegetarian Saturday, are events by friends and devotees of ISKCON Denmark (the International Society for Krishna Consciousness), inviting the entire city to take part in a heavenly vegetarian feast.
How do you provide free food every Saturday?
The underlying principle in Food for the Soul is to provide an experience of Krishna consciousness to others without expecting anything in return. If some people appreciate the gift, they choose, out of the goodness of their hearts, to return the gift in the shape of a monetary donation or some vegetables for the next event. Based on this donation paradigm which, in reality, is an exchange of love between people and Krishna, we have been able to have Vegetarian Saturdays for seven years, with more than 58.000 plates of free vegetarian food.
We are happy to receive donations.
It can be done to MOBILEPAY 42660108 – or to PAYPAL to tkd@pamho.net