Welcome to the Hare Krishna temple
At Skjulhøj Allé 44 in Vanløse, in Copenhagen, you will find the only Hare Krishna temple in Denmark at present moment.
Residing here are around a dozen devotees who, besides practicing their own Krishna consciousness, also have open house for anyone who would like to participate in the daily temple programs.
Every Sunday they have Sunday Feast at 3pm, where old friends and new ones alike come together for a Krishna conscious program with singing of Hare Krishna, lecture on Vedic philosophy, and a sumptuous vegetarian “prasadam” (spiritual food) feast.
Welcome to the
Hare Krishna temple
At Skjulhøj Allé 44 in Vanløse, in Copenhagen, you will find the only Hare Krishna temple in Denmark at present moment. Residing here are around a dozen devotees who, besides practicing their own Krishna consciousness, also have open house for anyone who would like to participate in the daily temple programs.
Every Sunday they have Sunday Feast at 3pm, where old friends and new ones alike come together for a Krishna conscious program with singing of Hare Krishna, lecture on Vedic philosophy, and a sumptuous vegetarian “prasadam” (spiritual food) feast.
04.30: Mangala-arati (ceremony with kirtan)
05.15: Japa-meditation
07.15: Darshan-arati (ceremony)
07.20: Guru-puja for Srila Prabhupada
07.45: Lecture on the Srimad–Bhagavatam
09.00: Breakfast
16.00: Lunch/dinner
18.00: Lecture on the Bhagavad-gita
19.00: Gaura-arati (ceremony with kirtan)
20.00: Temple closes
15.00: Hare Krishna-kirtana
15.45: Lecture on the Bhagavad-gita
16.30: Hare Krishna-kirtana
17.00: Vegetarian feast
18.00: Questions & answers
04.30: Mangala-arati (ceremony with kirtan)
05.15: Japa-meditation
07.15: Darshan-arati (ceremony)
07.20: Guru-puja for Srila Prabhupada
07.45: Lecture on the Srimad–Bhagavatam
09.00: Breakfast
16.00: Lunch/dinner
18.00: Lecture on the Bhagavad-gita
19.00: Gaura-arati (ceremony with kirtan)
20.00: Temple closes
15.00: Hare Krishna-kirtana
15.45: Lecture on the Bhagavad-gita
16.30: Hare Krishna-kirtana
17.00: Vegetarian feast
18.00: Questions & answers
Activities in the temple

Sunday Feast
Every Sunday at 3pm we have a Sunday Feast. Everyone is welcome to this uplifting experience, with mantra-singing, lecture, and a vegetarian feast.

Every morning from 4.30am to 9.00am we have an inspiring morning program with singing, meditation, lecture, and a vegetarian breakfast.

Several times during the day we have beautiful ceremonies in the temple. We have a beautiful altar with Deities, and everyone is welcome to come and sing, or offer something to them.

Bhagavad-gita lectures
Every evening from 6pm (except Sunday) we have a lecture on Bhagavad-gita – the most important book from the east, on spirituality, reincarnation, karma, and related topics.

Srimad Bhagavatam lectures
Every morning from 7.45am to 8.45am there is a lecture from this book, that goes deeply into the mysterious world of Bhakti-yoga.

We regularly have visits from Danish and international speakers.

Vegetarian saturday
Most Saturdays we now offer free vegetarian food, either in Copenhagen, or some other place in Denmark.

Ratha Yatra parade
Once a year we have the traditional Ratha Yatra procession and parade. Afterwards there is a cultural program with dance, music, and free vegetarian food.

We have regular gatherings where we submerge ourselves in the spiritual sound vibration of the Krishna mantra accompanied by traditional Indian instruments.
Activities in the temple

Sunday Feast
Every Sunday at 3pm we have a Sunday Feast. Everyone is welcome to this uplifting experience, with mantra-singing, lecture, and a vegetarian feast.

Every morning from 4.30am to 9.00am we have an inspiring morning program with singing, meditation, lecture, and a vegetarian breakfast.

Several times during the day we have beautiful ceremonies in the temple. We have a beautiful altar with Deities, and everyone is welcome to come and sing, or offer something to them.

Bhagavad-gita lectures
Every evening from 6pm (except Sunday) we have a lecture on Bhagavad-gita – the most important book from the east, on spirituality, reincarnation, karma, and related topics.

Srimad Bhagavatam lectures
Every morning from 7.45am to 8.45am there is a lecture from this book, that goes deeply into the mysterious world of Bhakti-yoga.

We regularly have visits from Danish and international speakers.

Vegetarian saturday
Most Saturdays we now offer free vegetarian food, either in Copenhagen, or some other place in Denmark.

Ratha Yatra parade
Once a year we have the traditional Ratha Yatra procession and parade. Afterwards there is a cultural program with dance, music, and free vegetarian food.

Vi afholder jævnligt sammenkomster, hvor vi, akkompagneret af traditionelle Indiske instrumenter, fordyber os i Krishna-mantraets åndelige lydvibration.